

Listeners of “Help! My Business is Growing”

Artwork Help! My Business Is Growing

Thanks for listening to Whitney’s interview with Kathy Svetina on “Help! My Business is Growing”, where they talked about the overwhelm and burnout that plagues so many small business owners and what YOU can do to avoid it.

We hope you came away with some ideas about how you can Escape the Busy-ness Trap through optimizing your business.

When you systematically review and optimize the core parts of your business, you’ll be building a business that works for you, consistently supporting your life instead of constantly derailing it.

Scroll down to see other resources you might like.

Small business owners often tread water too long when they hit a problem. That not only fails to solve the problem, it depletes their energy and resources as well.

Business growth shouldn’t be limited by your personal time and knowledge. 

We were bordering on “do we close shop?” territory and needed help. Whitney detangled our post-pandemic, survival mode, trauma bonded mess.

Now, we’re not a zombie style walking dead company. We’re thriving.
~ Anna Boyter, Owner and CEO, Bear Hands Media, TX

Schedule a call to learn how we help others navigate business growth that’s simpler, cost-effective, and efficient.

Whitney Hahn

Whitney Hahn, Business Growth Advisor


Grow your business while OUTgrowing your busy-ness.

Learn more from our YouTube library

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Write better contracts, plus magnetic marketing, sales without the sleaze, mindset shifts and more! Insights to help you engineer your business.

Define Your ME-conomics

Meconomic Workbook Cover Art Tile

Your business endeavors should support your life instead of disrupting it, right?

Grab 30-minutes to find out how.

Overcome Small Business Overwhelm

Reshape your service-based small business so that IT serves YOU, not the other way around.